Saturday, April 12, 2014

This post is a pure reflection on God's amazing, unfailing, faithfulness, in the midst of chaos. It's one of those posts I have to make just so that I may continue believing with a faith that is unwavering when times are unsure.

This morning I went with a group of friends downtown to hand out coffee to the homeless. We like to call it Coffee Street Ministry.  We make a lot of Coffee, head downtown and search for homeless (it really is more of a search than you would think). This morning as we were walking, we were really discouraged because we couldn't find anyone, and if we did find someone they didn't want to talk to us.  As we were talking amongst ourselves, we were discussing our goals, and we were all feeling as if we were missing them pretty miserably. Maybe we were being ineffective. Maybe we needed to change our strategy. Maybe this wasn't working....... OR MAYBE... we just needed to be a little more specific in asking Him.  As we approached a street corner, a friend and I stopped and we just were super honest with Jesus...
" Jesus, we want to honor your name, and we know that you can show us where these people are. Please give us your eyes. Please help us to see them. Bring them in to our path. Let the gospel be spread through us this morning.. "- Amen

Just as we finished our prayer, we "stumbled" upon a man.

Ahh. Jesus He is so incredible ALWAYS hearing us when we pray.. and ALWAYS answering in His way.

Dennis .. Dennis was his name.. As we engaged in a conversation with Dennis, He began to share a little about his life. We noticed he was wearing some sort of hat that mentioned God, so we asked about it.  He said, " I am a born again believer", but just as quickly as he proclaimed it he turned his face towards the ground. "But... I haven't been so faithful."  I comforted him quickly, and tried to confirm to him the goodness of our God.. "Dennis,  isn't it amazing that even when we aren't faithful He has never left our side?" The look of shame just took over his face as his words confirmed that he "knew" that, but it obviously wasn't resonating within his heart.

 Our conversation continued and Dennis told us that he has been in and out of jail for 39 years for doing different sorts of drugs, and actually he was just sitting there waiting for a guy to come bring him some dope as we spoke.

We tried to continue to bring the conversation back to the idea that he didn't have to live this life, and he had a chance to change. It was possible! He could do it!  God has broken every chain ! There is not one that has ever been unbreakable for Him.

 He said something to the effect that he just couldn't face God again..  "But Dennis ," I said,  " God doesn't hate you. He isn't upset with you. He face isn't angry with you.. you know that right?" He said he knew, but once again it hadn't become heart knowledge.

I asked Dennis if I could pray for him, and he chuckled and said what would I pray about? I  said whatever you want.  Eventually, we got a name of a guy that he was looking for to find work.   "George.. you can pray that I'll find George." Done..  we'll pray that you find George.   As the conversation wrapped up, he was starting to get a little anxious as he saw the guy who was bringing him the drugs, so we said goodbye, and went our separate ways. We all walked away with hearts shattered for Dennis, we longed for him to know the freedom from sin that he had.. It was all a lie. This wasn't true bondage, this was bondage that the devil has made him believe he is in!
 We stopped again and thanked God for the amazing answer to prayer that he had given us.. We prayed for Dennis, and for George to be found!

As we finished up our conversations for the day getting ready to leave, Dennis showed back up.  He had found George.   HE HAD FOUND GEORGE!  He now has a job !

There was so many crazy answers to that prayer that we prayed today, but this was just one of them. I feel like I could write for another hour or two just telling you the stories from this morning.  Dennis was a divine appointment. Friends, this happened in Knoxville, where we live, in our downtown.  There are Jesus stories to be had all over this county, all over this city, all over this state, and all over this world.... Look for them, and ask for them!

I hope you are encouraged by this. I hope that you see this doesn't just happen to people who "love Jesus a whole lot".. this happens to the people who are seeking after Jesus.. this can happen to you.. you can experience this.  I hope you do. I hope you ask and seek.

 He will never fail you..  #prayforDennis

Thanks to the awesome coffee street team!

Friday, February 28, 2014

        "The Light Shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5

I have been thinking about this verse recently. Do you ever look at a verse that you have read a thousand times and just see it the same way...its like it has just one meaning,and then all of a sudden you see something different? have been thinking about this verse (John1:5), and Jesus has given me a new thought behind this verse.
I have always thought this was referring to Jesus shining in our hearts, so that in return we can shine in this world of darkness.  This is true. I have prayed this many times, that because Jesus is inside of me my life may radiate to those who haven't experienced this life changing light.  I don't think at all that there is anything wrong with this.. This is so true and biblical, but just yesterday I was thinking about this verse and HE gave me a new perspective.

There are times in my life when I just feel like I am completely battling sin, everyday, all day long ( like yesterday). Sometimes I feel I just can't get a break, and I am exhausted and ready to throw in the towel. Lately, these are things that aren't even my "normal struggles". It's as if the devil is just pelting me with anything and everything hoping that SOMETHING will take root.  Obviously there are times that I don't battle like I should and I give in to that temptation.  Usually the results of these times leave me realizing my complete and utter depravity.  I am so hopelessness without Jesus, and above that... my heart is desperately wicked. On occasion, it's as if my heart has become numb to my desperate need for a savior... and I don't even realize that with EACH breath I take.. Each time I wake up.... Each time I get to see him work... I am experiencing the relentless mercy, and then the endless outpouring of His grace in my life.  He is so good. He has never left me alone, and some days that is the only comfort that I need.
All that to say this.. Sometimes his light isn't me...  It's in me. Sometimes knowing that his "light" is in my heart illuminating the darkness IN MY HEART...  is such a great comfort. I can cling to the promise that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.  My  sinful desires and thoughts and actions  will not take over and hid the light that is in my heart!

Jesus Is so gracious.  Instead of letting your sin, struggles, and battles drive you away from Jesus... Let them pull you closer to Him. He Allows these things to come so that He can Prove himself The Mighty Warrior, The comforter, The Savior, and The One who has overcome the darkness. Let him do that..  Let him overcome the darkness in your life.. so that in return your life can shine amongst this darkness.