Friday, August 12, 2011

A continuation

I can not believe it is time to say good bye! It less that 5 hours,we will be getting on a plane and leave this hot, sticky city that I have grown to love! I can't believe it is over! Really! The Lord is working in my life and in the lives of all the people that I have  met!  It has been a incredible journey, but I am trying to remember that the Lord is not finished leading me !  The journey will only continue when I get home!  I get to share my stories and testimony to everyone in America and tell them what my summer has been like! What an amazing opportunity!  It is a little overwhelming thinking about all the things that are going to be thrown in my face when I get back, but I know that the Lord is with me.  ( This is one of the most comforting phrases that I have grown to love during this time) I love being here and having my mind set on a purpose every single day, and doing whatever the cost is to accomplish that Purpose! I intend to try my hardest to leave everyday with that purpose when I come back home!  I don't want to re reabsorbed in to the "American way" that I was so entangled in when I left! It's so freeing to not have to worry about what you are going to wear because you only five 5 outfits, or what kind of car you drive because every one has black Kijangs.  It is simple and only the issues that matter are the issues that you face every single day! I am so thankful for everything that I have been able to do while I was here. Everything was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity!  Thank you!  I am going to try to write another post as I am readjusting to life in the US!  Thank you for all the Support!