Friday, July 15, 2011

A Perpeptual State of Emergency

I don’t know where to being, I feel like it has been days since I have talked to you all and so many things have happened that you need to know. Fair warning.. This could be really long.
     Monday morning we went back to the police station and started teaching on Directions. That was an adventure in itself. We had so much fun and they were in good spirits and ready to learn. I felt like I could let me guard down a little bit because they respected us more and did not just see us as American Girls.  We joked around and actually had them walking around on a little kids playgroud practicing, which looked rather funny in there official uniforms.  After we came back home we were spending the day with I and L and there family. We took a walk to the nursing school that is behind their house. We talked a long time and they said that we could come  back in a week or so and actually visit in the classrooms to see how they do things. I think could be a really cool opportunity.  That night A good friend of theirs came over, who is also a nurse, and she had some way cools stories about all the work she had done. We really enjoyed our time with her.  Tuesday morning we woke up bright and early to go on the River. It’s called the Mussi river and a college club had invited to take us out so they could practice their english with native speakers. We had a great time. The boats were so slow and the waves that the other boats were making compared to our boat looked like a tsunami and we were always wondering if we were going to sink.. haha but we did manage to make it.  We took the boat ride to a famous Island in the city where we are. It is  a big tourist attraction. When we first arrived, we saw some children digging through the trash who lived on this island and it broke my heart. I wanted to give them some food so bad, but it was not a good time and I didn’t want to be rude to the people who were feeding us lunch.  When we got to the other end the children were there and sitting close by, so Rachel went up to them and started talking to them and kind of playing a little game and they loved it! We ended up playing with them for a good 45 minutes and just talking to them.. So adorable. They stole my heart. SO quickly.  I just had happened to pack a few extra granola bars in my purse that morning so we split them between the six of them. We had a blast. They group that we were with were also so kind to them.  They gave up some of their lunches and gave to the kids, It could have been really akward because people tend to be a little possessive of us (white people) when we are with them, but they all just loved on the kids as much as we did. It was so amazing.  So we left them knowing that they had plenty to eat that day.  The college students themselves were a blast!  We sang songs to each other, one guy cornered me and sang me a love song by muse.. and it was all together a great time. We sang Christmas songs and things like that. Rachel  threw her cucumber on the ground at lunch and the chicken literally almost pecked our feet to death trying to eat it. Scary moment. The river trip was mostly an all day trip. By the time that we got home , The K family was over and took us out to dinner, mostly because they love us so much ( ha ha ).  They have three boys who are some fun! We have a great time with them. We got back late, so mostly we just said good bye and went to our room. Wednesday  morning we got up, packed and headed out to another city that was about 7 hours away. This is where the realy good stories begin..  We drove around the city for about an hour picking another lady up, then we went back to the taxi service and got another driver who could take us to the city. He was not as nice as the first driver. As soon as he got in he turned the air practically all the way off, turned the emergency flashers on ( so we joked and said that we lived in a perpetual state of emergency) , and all the music off.( I was sitting in the front seat) Then he plugged his phone up to the charger thing and this one song started playing over and over and over. I thought seriously, if I have to listen to the same song for 7 hours that will not be okay. Well, what I didn’t know was that the music would be the least of my problems.. About three hours in to the trip, Rachel asked G , What city are we in.. and she said that we were in the same city that we started out in... Crazy, but then the driver started burping.. like not just one time. They were huge belches like almost on a time schedule. Every couple of minutes he would do it. AND THEN.. he would sit there and smack his lips like it tasted so good. It was so nasty. He did that the whole rest of the time.  Then I started getting hot so I turned the air conditioner up and he would turn it back down and I turned it back up, and then he turned it back down. The last time he looked and we and spoke some harsh Indonesian words at me, and I assumed he was saying not to do that. Well, Then G text me from the back and told me that He said we wouldn’t have enough gas to make it there if we turned the air up.  Good grief. It was so hot.  I was like well I mean, we could always hook him up the engine, because he seemed to have plenty of gas in him.  So on top of all this, about half way there he begins to start driving really fast on really curvy roads and doing crazy things. So G asks him if he is tired and he obviously says, No I just have leg cramps. So She said why don’t you pull over and take a shower so that you can wake up and stretch and he says no.. Well then he like starts slumping over the wheel.  G keeps talking to him, but then he gets irritated that we are talking to him, so he tells her to stop because he needs to concentrate. So meanwhile, between the burps, the falling asleep, and the same music playing over and over.. It was nothing but completely interesting.  G told us to click it or Ticket so we did THEN.. The Indonesians in the Back actually buckled up... which tells you that it truly was bad haha.  So we finally made it there at like 6 30 or 7 after leaving at 1030 am. We have such a great time with the Hosts! Everyone came over even the NPs. WE sang and then stayed up until 2 am just talking. It was a blast and good time of Encouragement I think for them as well. The next day we went out to eat with a girl who wanted to meet Americans, and then we went to their English center and spent like five hours. We played jungle Uno, which I will teach you all about when I get home, blast! Then  we went back to the house and ate dinner. While we were eating, one of the guys we were visiting said “ I am going to have a visitor” and we were just like okay.. that’s fine. We didn’t really think anything about it. Then He gets there and we are all like Whoa.. seriously. He was the best looking Asian I have ever seen.  SO we giggled for a long time about him and then went upstairs. Well somehow through a series of events He found out that I was the one who thought he was cute, but really it was all of us. So The guy told him that we were going to be going to the zoo the next morning. So we joke about it, that he will show up at the zoo the next morning, but I never actually thought that he would show up. He did. !!!and We apparently had this little date and the zoo, He was so sweet. I felt so bad that it all played out that way, because i just wanted to be his friend, but I don’t think he thought that.  Regardless, he ended up coming to lunch with us and back to the house and waited there until our driver picked us up to take us back to our city. Who knew. He told me he would always be waiting for me in that city. Talk about heart wrenching. I didn’t even like the guy and my heart felt bad, I can only imagine two people who are really in love and they have to say goodbye. oh my, I got so caught up in the date that I forgot to tell you about the zoo, They had the only Sumatran tigers born in captivity on the whole island . They will still babies and only like 5 months old! SO cute, and  those birds that we fed at the other zoo with our hands, They had them in cages like 10 feet away from us because they are so dangerous, and we had fed them with  our hands.. pretty funny. They also, let us hold some bunnies and this other thing. I can’t remember what is was  called, but it was about 100 pounds. It looked kinda like the ROUS from the Princess Bride. It was cute ( Ill post pics on FB). It was a great trip to the zoo and it was a lot nicer than the one that we went to before.   After the trip, it was time to come back home.  The ride back home was a lot less entertaining, but still had some burping involved. Every time he made a gross sound like smacking his lips I would do it too and mimic him out loud. We almost combusted into laughter several times, but managed to hold it together! 
    It is good to be back in town where we are a little more familiar with things, but It was such a fantastic trip. We met some really incredible people ( cough Alex Cough) haha.  They were so kind to us. 
    Today is Saturday and tonight we are going to be going to karaoke.  It should be fun, We will potentially have some really great opportunities! So please think about us :)
 I hope you enjoyed this.. I left out so many funny things, but there was just too much to talk about.. Just ask me when I get back to TN :)
 See you soon

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