Wow! Can you believe that we have been gone for almost two months! The thought of that is absolutely crazy. My Father is doing a mighty mighty mighty work in this place, and you both know where there is a hero there is always an antagonists. It is certainly that same way in this situation! I feel completely overwhelmed by everything that has gone on. So overwhelmed that I was chosen to come here and share my life with the Indonesians. So overwhelmed that I am able to see the harvest, and eagerly planting new seeds for the next season. Wow. My heart is so full. .... Seriously. Please be talking with your families and fathers and everyone urging them to share the news of the things that are happening on the other side of the World! It is truly amazing. My Father has been BY MY SIDE the entire time and I think that has been one of my favorite things. I can go on and on and on but I can't say much more right now..... except PLEASE be obedient to the things your Father is asking you to do. Please. It's worth everything you could ever have to give up. That doesn't mean that it is easy, but worth counting the cost.
I am going to try to give you a recap of everything that has been going on for the last week. I think that is the last time that I have sent out an update. Last Friday we had a normal day and then spent the night at the Rukko. I was not feeling really good, so I went to bed early. The next morning I woke up with a pretty high fever and was pretty much toast for the rest of the day. I was a little scared because I thought I might have dingy fever, but then when I started feeling better, I knew it would be smooth sailing. (Talking about answering requests fast). Sunday, I was still not feeling super great but able to function. We spent the morning together and just resting. We got a phone call asking us if we would like to go to the S's house to spend some time with an Indonesian friend. We jumped at the opportunity to get out of the house and to be with him , so of course we went. We spent the afternoon talking and singing songs together.
That night the K boys came over and we had a great time with them playing while there parents went out on a date for their 18th anniversary! We also got a special treat from McDonald. I love those boys so much. They are so sweet spirited and are a great example!
Monday morning, we had our last Monday with the Brimob police. It was a bitter sweet parting, but all good things must come to an end. Some of them were icky so we were happy to leave, but the most part were so kind and eager to learn. They even put together a sweet little concert for us and sang. We have encouraged them to come to the library to keep practicing so tonight we will see if any of them come! As soon as we were finished with The police we hopped back in to the car and headed over to a school to teach at an English club. It was a good experience. ( Trying to be positive) It was so hot and the kids did not speak a lot of English so it was really hard to get things done. Also, It was the beginning of school so they didn't listen well. I am sure that the next time they go they will be better behaved. They were sweet though. By the Afternoon, We were all pretty wiped out from the heat and being sick so we rested.. I think.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were all pretty similar. We woke up, got ready, and headed out to the Library to spend our day talking with people. There aren't usually a lot of people there, so a lot of the time we just spend time with the workers. I played Hang man with them for a long time one day and we had a lot of fun. I also had a sweet conversation with a girl named Tres something. ( I am just writing this so I will remember to tell you about it when I get home). On those evenings, We spent time organizing all the things that you sent with me to give to the Orphanage. We bought a lot of things with Your Money and had TONS of toys to give to them. So we had to organize it all and package it up for them. It took a bit of time.
Thursday Afternoon, We finally got to go to the Orphanage. It was such a long awaited time! Oh and the best part was that It was an all GIRL orphanage. Oh my gosh, I wish I could tell you every detail, but I can't. So I will just highlight. A lot of them are refugees from a war that is going on, so a lot of them aren't even from Indonesia. They looked so sad at first, but once I got them going their shells cracked and they had the biggest smiles. I played and taught them songs, and games, and all kinds of things for like 3 1/2 hours. Meanwhile, We had a little situation because they told us they only have 30 children, but once we got there they told us 55, and then changed it back to 35 . BUT we only had 30 bags. M said.. what were you thinking you didn't pack extra bags.. and we said, Well we thought that they knew how many kids they had haha. Anyways, P and Rachel did an awesome job of re organizing it and buying more stuff while A and I kept them entertained. Our Talents fit so perfectly in that situation. We had such a blessed time, and we are hoping that we can go back next week.
Today (Friday) We woke up really early and went with our doctor friend to her clinic and got to tour her facility. It was such a great time. Rachel and I took Aids test, and you would all be thankful to know that we were both NEGATIVE. .. I was a little scared at first because I didn't see them change the needle in the sticker, so I was a little freaked out because I thought, what if you give me aids in the process of testing me for aids, but when I asked they changed it. :) We had lunch with her... and now We are back at home for an hour of so until we have to go to the Library for the night. Tonight, We are having Joke night at the Library and a little going away party for us! It should be a great time.
This is the kicker. Next would can either be a really great week or a not so great week it all depends. Monday Ramadan starts, which means fasting starts, which also means EVERYTHING changes. So we might have a lot of chance to hang out with people, or no one will be able to hang out. We are still trying to work around this, so you can be talking with the Father about that. We can potentially have some great moments.
" The Reality of the path we follow could never become greater to me than right now, It is so amazing that I have been found"
Would love to keep hearing from you! Miss you all so much!
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