Friday, February 28, 2014

        "The Light Shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5

I have been thinking about this verse recently. Do you ever look at a verse that you have read a thousand times and just see it the same way...its like it has just one meaning,and then all of a sudden you see something different? have been thinking about this verse (John1:5), and Jesus has given me a new thought behind this verse.
I have always thought this was referring to Jesus shining in our hearts, so that in return we can shine in this world of darkness.  This is true. I have prayed this many times, that because Jesus is inside of me my life may radiate to those who haven't experienced this life changing light.  I don't think at all that there is anything wrong with this.. This is so true and biblical, but just yesterday I was thinking about this verse and HE gave me a new perspective.

There are times in my life when I just feel like I am completely battling sin, everyday, all day long ( like yesterday). Sometimes I feel I just can't get a break, and I am exhausted and ready to throw in the towel. Lately, these are things that aren't even my "normal struggles". It's as if the devil is just pelting me with anything and everything hoping that SOMETHING will take root.  Obviously there are times that I don't battle like I should and I give in to that temptation.  Usually the results of these times leave me realizing my complete and utter depravity.  I am so hopelessness without Jesus, and above that... my heart is desperately wicked. On occasion, it's as if my heart has become numb to my desperate need for a savior... and I don't even realize that with EACH breath I take.. Each time I wake up.... Each time I get to see him work... I am experiencing the relentless mercy, and then the endless outpouring of His grace in my life.  He is so good. He has never left me alone, and some days that is the only comfort that I need.
All that to say this.. Sometimes his light isn't me...  It's in me. Sometimes knowing that his "light" is in my heart illuminating the darkness IN MY HEART...  is such a great comfort. I can cling to the promise that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.  My  sinful desires and thoughts and actions  will not take over and hid the light that is in my heart!

Jesus Is so gracious.  Instead of letting your sin, struggles, and battles drive you away from Jesus... Let them pull you closer to Him. He Allows these things to come so that He can Prove himself The Mighty Warrior, The comforter, The Savior, and The One who has overcome the darkness. Let him do that..  Let him overcome the darkness in your life.. so that in return your life can shine amongst this darkness.


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